Starting Over

Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Once upon a time I had a blog.  I wasn't really sure what to do with it at first. It ended up going everywhere and nowhere at the same time.  So here I am starting again, hoping to have a purpose this time.

To be honest, I'm not even sure what that purpose will be.

I am sure I will vent, mostly because I usually keep it in and I'm hoping this will be an outlet - for when the kids drive me nuts; when I feel off kilter with my husband; when I'm frustrated with myself (body, looks, actions); when I just don't understand. 

I guess I will start with a little bit about myself.  I am married to a wonderful man (B), and between the two of us we have 3 children. He works a job that sometimes requires him to travel so I get to play the part of a single mom at times.  

To protect the innocent
aka keep the kids from being embarrassed
I am not going to use full names :)

K is the only girl and the oldest child, currently 13.  She plays trumpet in school, is very bright & colorful, and full of laughter.

BL is the oldest boy at 12.  He also plays trumpet in school, loves to draw, and is very opinionated.  We enjoy our time with him every other weekend.

V is the youngest at 11.  He is very energetic and loves doing things together with family.

I know it's the briefest glimpse of my life, but I'm sure as time goes on more will be revealed.  So until the next time I decide to write ...
